At the heart of all FM transmitters in the ELTI range is digital synthesizer-based modulator. From program inputs right through to the final conversion to RF, signal generation and control are performed entirely by digital means. This ensures an exceptionally pure, crystal-clear audio signal with the highest audio fidelity.
The new line of ELTI FM Transmitters provides the highest overall efficiency available on the market, up to 74%! Such tremendous performance can only be achieved by using the latest available technologies combined with an innovative design.
The Advantage
- Digital FM Modulator “Direct to Channel”
- Highest Signal Quality
- Perfect Audio Fidelity
- Several Built-in Broadcast Tools
- Control of all Signal Parameters
At the heart of all transmitters in the new ELTI range is our FM
Band “Direct to Channel” Digital Modulator. From program inputs right
through to the final conversion to RF, signal generation and control
are performed entirely by digital means. This ensures an exceptionally
pure, crystal-clear audio signal with the highest audio fidelity.
Power Amplifier
For low and medium power the standalone solutions are available up
to 2kW. For medium and high power transmitters from 1kW up to 14kW
modular design is available giving the user more flexible and redundant
solutions. The power amplifiers have an internal alarm memory and a set
of protection circuits which guarantees minimal transmitter down-time.
- FM Limiter with MPX power control (ITU-R 412) - optional
- Dynamic RDS Encoder (optional)
- Silence detection and intelligent failover
- Audio backup (optional)
- Standard or analog GPIOs (optional)
- Stereo Encoder with analogue and/or digital audio inputs
- AMI - Advanced Metering Interface (optional)
- TCP/IP with Web browser and SNMP (optional)