Patch panels are used for manual RF switch over in many applications described below. On request patch panels are designed with 2-way RF switches in order to automate the RF switching.
Patch panels are produced with any number of ports, limited only by customers space. Interlock switches are integrated to safely operate while changing positions and not to malfunction any part of equipment.
Patch panels are used to provide 1+1 passive reserve. The additional RF motorised switch permits 1+1 active reserve. The 6 port patch panel is the most commonly used to achieve antenna system redundancy. The AS is divided into two halves permitting normal operation in either the upper or lower half. Patch panels are available with any connector from DIN 7/16 to EIA 6 1/8”. Power dividers or couplers are also used.
Patch panels are installed within a metal frame, and are also available with a free-standing metal frame. On request, measurement and other equipment can be mounted within the frame to reduce space requirements.
High power antenna systems can be achieved by stacking antenna panels in tiers. In such cases split system with patch panel is used, which allows feeding of the antenna system with half power or even full transmitter power when only half antenna system is operating.
Another solution to use patch panels is with 3dB coupler to combine two individual transmitters operating on the same channel.
Patch panel with combiner is useful in case of a malfunction of one of the transmitters connected either to wide band or broadband input of the combiner and needs to be switched to a dummy load to perform repairs or test, while other transmitter is still on air.